Sensorium is both a work of art and of science that sets out to synthesize the survival problems that the world ocean faces in our emerging heat shocked future. The work is designed by Newton Harrison, and emerges from the Center for the Study of the Force Majeure, located at the University of California Santa Cruz. Personally, Sensorium is his most recent effort in addressing the ongoing degeneration of our world ocean’s life web. Sensorium is presented as a work of art and an interface for our human interaction and dialogue with our world ocean’s life web. In this video he is proposing a form of expression that references the whole systems knowing that our ancestors practiced as their everyday survival motif and that has now faded to a whisper in everyday western life.

Alexandra Kirillova, singer, psychologist and vocal practitioner, talks about how singing and voice work are based on synchronizing a person’s state and inner nature with the environment, establishing a deep healing connection with the natural world and a specific landscape.

Vladislav Grishin, director and screenwriter of the documentary film “Bears of Kamchatka,” shares his impressions of working on the film and the film’s ability to convey the direct experience of interacting with the natural environment and its inhabitants, which may support the spectator’s yearning to be closer to nature.
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