Eco-Human Theory and Practice
ISSN 2713 – 184x
Eco Art Therapy
Ecological Education
The "Green" Arts


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The new section of our journal, “Poetic Anthology of Eco-Human Experience”, presents poetry from different ages, dedicated to various facets of our human relationship with the moon as a natural object. Poetic works allow us to comprehend the eco-human, eco-poietic nuances of our ability, together with this natural phenomenon, to generate new facets of subjectivity, to discover new forms of experience and meanings revealed on the threshold of human and more-than-human reality.


Du Fu (712-770 AD) is one of the greatest poets of China and an outstanding classical luminary of the Tang Dynasty. He left a huge poetic legacy, about 1,400 poems, from quatrains to poems, varied in style and content. The most important source of inspiration in Du Fu's poetic work is nature. The close connection of his imaginative thinking, like many other representatives of classical Chinese poetry, with nature and the constantly changing phenomena of the living environment is obvious. ‘Communication’ with nature in his poetry is one of the main conditions for mental health and human’s knowledge of themselves.

Full Moon

Above the tower — a lone, twice-sized moon.
On the cold river passing night-filled homes,
It scatters restless gold across the waves.
On mats, it shines richer than silken gauze.

Empty peaks, silence: among sparse stars,
Not yet flawed, it drifts. Pine and cinnamon
Spreading in my old garden . . . All light,
All ten thousand miles at once in its light!


Konstantin Balmont (1867-1942), Russian symbolist poet, translator and essayist, one of the most prominent representatives of Russian poetry of the Silver Age. For Balmont, the Moon was an extremely attractive phenomenon, with which his entire system of images was closely connected. The moon took him into a special space of dreams, helping him to distance himself from everyday reality. Finding himself for some time the leader of the “new poetry,” Balmont formulated its principles: the connection of symbolist poetry with the region of the “beyond,” its penetration into the “mystery of the world.”


When shines the moon amidst the dark of night
With sickle’s scintillation, bright and tender,
It’s then my spirit starts to take her flight,
In thrall to all that’s filled with distant splendour.

And in my dreams, I race towards the chases
Of forest glades and snow-white mountain peaks;
With pining soul I guard serene world’s places,
And sweetly weep and breathe by moon’s mystique.

I drink in all this pallid incandescence,
And, elf-like, swing amidst the gridded rays,
And bend my ear to bliss’s silent accents.

My people’s passions fade then in the distance,
And alien are all earthly struggling days,
I am a cloud, a breath of wind’s quintessence.


Mina Loy (1882-1966) was a poet and artist, futurist, dadaist, surrealist, feminist, conceptualist, modernist and postmodernist. Her “Lunar Baedeker” poem, first published in 1923, stands out as a significant piece in the modernist poetry landscape, reflecting the unique style and bold themes that characterize Loy’s works. In this poem she sets the stage with a captivating mix of celestial imagery and abstract concepts. The poem acts as a guide to a deep inner exploration of psychic reality, paving the way not only through physical space, but also through various spheres of intuition, visionary mind and consciousness.

Lunar Baedeker

A silver Lucifer serves

cocaine in cornucopia

To some somnambulists

of adolescent thighs


in satirical draperies

Peris in livery



for posthumous parvenues 

Delirious Avenues


with the chandelier souls

of infusoria 

from Pharoah’s tombstones


to mercurial doomsdays 

Odious oasis

in furrowed phosphorous 

the eye-white sky-light

white-light district

of lunar lusts

Stellectric signs

“Wing shows on Starway”

“Zodiac carrousel”


of ecstatic dust

and ashes whirl


from hallucinatory citadels

of shattered glass

into evacuate craters

A flock of dreams   

browse on Necropolis 

From the shores

of oval oceans

in the oxidized Orient

Onyx-eyed Odalisques 

and ornithologists


the flight

of Eros obsolete

And “Immortality”

mildews ...   

in the museums of the moon

“Nocturnal cyclops”

“Crystal concubine”

Pocked with personification

the fossil virgin of the skies

waxes and wanes


Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962) was an American writer, artist, poet and playwright. In his experimental poetry, Cummings sought to free poetic language from romantic clichés and other conventions; experimented with the form of poetry: in his works, lowercase and capital letters, spaces, punctuation marks, and auxiliary parts of speech often do not obey the rules of grammar and punctuation, appearing in unexpected places in the text, giving it a kind of visual expressiveness. His simple and expressive language, sense of humor and exploitation of themes such as sex and war earned him enormous popularity, especially among young people. It is not just his vices and exaggerations, the defects of his qualities, that make a writer popular.

Amores (III)

there is a

moon sole

in the blue


amorous of waters


blinded with silence the

undulous heaven yearns where

in tense starlessness

anoint with ardor

the yellow lover

stands in the dumb dark





love i slowly


of thy languorous mouth the




Robert Frost (1874 – 1963)is one of the most celebrated figures in American poetry, the author of numerous poetry collections on universal themes infused with psychological complexity and layers of ambiguity and irony. His poetry, characterized by its accessible language and deceptively simple style, explores themes of nature, rural life, and the human condition. Frost's writing is rooted in the pastoral tradition, drawing inspiration from the landscapes and people of New England. However, he transcends mere regionalism by imbuing his work with universal themes of loss, choice, and the search for meaning. While seemingly straightforward, his poems often contain layers of meaning that invite multiple interpretations. This depth, combined with his masterful use of imagery and symbolism, contributes to his lasting appeal.

Moon Compasses

I stole forth dimly in the dripping pause

Between two downpours to see what there was

And a masked moon had spread down compass rays

To a cone mountain in the midnight haze

As if the final estimate were hers,

As if the final estimate were hers,

And as it measured in her calipers,

The mountain stood exalted in its place.

So love will take between the hands a face…


David Bowie (1947-2016), was an English singer, songwriter, musician, and actor. He is regarded as one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century. The song, "Moonage Daydream," with his music and lyrics, originally recorded as a single in 1971, was later re-recorded with his new band “The Spiders from Mars,” especially for the upcoming album "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars." As the years have passed, "Moonage Daydream" has achieved its status as one of the greatest compositions in Bowie's discography. The imagery that space alien Ziggy Stardust uses in this song reinforces the "erotic fantasy" of the chorus, associated with the tradition of "muse poetry" which was associated with "ancient cults that worshiped the moon as the goddess of magic, the subconscious, poetic inspiration for accessing imagination without using the intellect."

Moonage Daydream

I'm an alligator

I'm a mama-papa comin' for you

I'm the space invader

I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for you

Keep your mouth shut

you're squawking like a pink monkey bird

And I'm bustin' up my brains for the words

Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe

Put your ray gun to my head

Press your space face close to mine, love

Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!

Don't fake it baby, lay the real thing on me

The church of man, love

Is such a holy place to be

Make me baby, make me know you really care

Make me jump into the air

Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe

Put your ray gun to my head

Press your space face close to mine, love

Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!

Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe

Put your ray gun to my head

Press your space face close to mine, love

Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!

Keep your 'lectric eye on me, babe

Put your ray gun to my head

Press your space face close to mine, love

Freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!

Freak out, far out, in out


About the journal

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on the Mass Media, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) on September 22, 2020, the web-based publication - The peer-reviewed scientific online journal "Ecopoiesis: Eco-Human Theory and Practice" was registered (registration number El No. FS77-79134).

“Ecopoiesis: Eco-Human Theory and Practice” is the international multidisciplinary Journal focused on building an eco-human paradigm, disseminating eco-human knowledge and technology based on the alliance of ecology, humanities and the arts. Our journal aims to be a vibrant forum of theories and practices aimed at harmonizing the relations of mankind and the natural world in the interests of sustainable development, the creation of Eco-Humanity as a new community of human beings and more-than-human world. The human being is an ecological being, not separate from the world. The Ecopoiesis journal is based on that premise and aims to develop a body of theory and practice within that framework.

The Journal promotes dialogue and cooperation between ecologists, philosophers, doctors, educators, psychologists, artists, musicians, designers, social activists, business representatives in the name of eco-human values, human health and well-being, in close connection with concern for the environment. The Journal supports the development and implementation of new environmentally-friendly concepts, technologies and practices in the various fields of health and public life, education and social work.

One of the priority tasks of the Journal is to demonstrate and support the significant role of the arts in their alliance with ecology and the humanities for the restoration and development of constructive relations with nature, raising environmental awareness and promoting nature-friendly lifestyles.

The Journal publishes articles describing new eco-human concepts and practices, technologies and applied research data at the intersection of humanities, ecology and the arts, as well as interviews and conference reports related to the emerging eco-human field. It encourages artwork, music and other creative products related to eco-human practices and the new global community of Eco-Humanity.